Coronation Round-up
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Coronation Round-up

Autumn 2023

Coronation Procession

BB members from 1st Billericay, 1st Enfield, 3rd Enfield and 35th Liverpool attended the Coronation Procession, watching from a special viewing area for uniformed youth organisations on The Mall. They then saw the Royal Family’s balcony appearance and the flypast from right outside the palace gates.

I loved being able to go and watch the procession, it was a memorable occasion and really exciting to see the King and Queen in person along with everything else that went on. I had the best day!”

Max, a young person who was part of the group

Honours of Scotland

James and Euan from 41st Edinburgh represented the BB at a People’s Procession and Service of Thanksgiving in Edinburgh as HM The King received the Honours of Scotland.

Thanksgiving Service in Swansea

Members of 1st Swansea Eastside attended a Thanksgiving Service at St Mary’s Church in Swansea, including taking an active part in the service.

Coronation Service in Nottingham

BB members from across Nottingham Battalion attended a Coronation Service held at Southwell Minster by the Lord- Lieutenant of Nottingham.

Getting creative at 25th Stirling

Anchors and Juniors at 25th Stirling got creative by making displays which were on show at Dunblane Cathedral for the Coronation.

Coronation Crown Competition

As part of our Coronation celebrations, Anchors & Juniors were invited to design a crown that was “Fit for a King”. We received hundreds of entries from across the UK, well done to everyone who took part!


Anchors: Ronan, 45th Nottingham
Juniors: Luca, 93rd Glasgow


Anchors: Dylan, 1st Culnady
Juniors: Seb, 1st Castlecaulfield