All our activities for Anchors, Juniors and Seniors are anchored in the ‘Four Squared’ Programme. The Anchors enjoy activities like singing, games, treasure hunts and Bible stories. Activities for Juniors include award scheme activities, hiking and annual camps. The award scheme is the main activity where Juniors can achieve 27 badges in total.
The Seniors have a similar award scheme that has 15 badges to achieve, though more advanced in terms of the content. We have recently incorporated the President’s Award (the name for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in Kenya) to the Seniors award scheme to give them an even more challenging and adventurous project.
An important part of our award scheme involves interacting and supporting local communities. Some of the social activities we do include tree planting at public parks, campaigning against drug use, visiting homes for the elderly and children’s homes etc.
Our Young Leaders (19–26-year-olds) as part of the East Africa Regional Fellowship have opportunities where they can meet, share ideas, skills and knowledge. Earlier this year around 500 young leaders gathered in Uganda for an unforgettable cross-cultural experience.
Looking to the future, we have taken up some of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implemented them as part of our programme, this includes SDG Goal 1 (end poverty). We are encouraging children and young people to have an activity that generates income for their household, e.g. rear chickens or have a kitchen garden. We would also welcome having more international interactions with BB Companies around the world.