The Brigade Executive is proposing the following Office Bearers for the 2024/25 session:
Dez was working as a bouncer in Glasgow when he came to faith through joining an Alpha Course. Now an ordained Baptist minister, he worked in youth ministry before becoming the Director for Alpha Scotland in 2018 where he continues to serve and support Churches across the country. He was recently appointed as Alpha’s Europe, Middle East and North Africa Youth Director. Dez has been working closely with the Brigade for a number of years, and the partnership has seen the Alpha Youth resources being made freely available across the Brigade.
Alison is a leader in Airdrie, Coatbridge and District Battalion, and has served as a leader in 6th Airdrie and 15th Coatbridge. Alison has been the Battalion’s Training Convenor, Queen’s Badge Co-ordinator for Lanarkshire District Fellowship and has also served on the staff team of KGVI. She has been professionally engaged in education for over 25 years in senior roles and is currently Education Officer with Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Ian has a wealth of experience as Captain of 1st & 2nd Martock & Hamdon, presently President of Somerset Battalion and has previously served as Chair of our Brigade Programme Group. In a professional capacity Ian was a Head Teacher for many years, most recently specialising in supporting local authorities and an academy trust with schools in special measures.
David joined the Life Boys in Cardiff, and it was there that he became a Christian. He gained his Queen’s Badge and was presented with his Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Buckingham Palace. He has served as a leader and Company Captain, and is now the President of the BB in Wales. He is also involved in The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust. By profession David is King’s Counsel, and sits as a Recorder in the Crown and County Courts as a well as a Legal President of the Mental Health Review Tribunal.
The Boys’ Brigade has featured strongly since Stewart was a 6-year-old member of Anchors through to Queen’s Badge, DofE Gold and KGVI as a participant (and later as Chaplain) as well as being a leader at 4th Carluke and 1st Stonehouse. Stewart has 30 years of experience working with children, young people, volunteers, students and ministers in Churches and communities around Scotland. He has been Minister at St Ninian’s Church (an ecumenical partnership between the United Reformed Church and Church of Scotland) in Stonehouse, since 2017.
As a Chartered Accountant Steve has worked in both the commercial and not for profit sectors and is current Director of Finance with Crimestoppers. He has also obtained an MSc in Charity Accounting and Financial Management from City Business School. Steve is currently a leader at both 7th and 28th West Kent, and is actively involved in South East Battalion and London District. He has also served as chair of governors at a local primary school, and as a finance chair at a secondary school.